Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The hardest Decision I Had to Make

   If you read my last post I talk About being safe and making smart decisions when it comes to choosing to take an ambulance or not, or just in life. Well I couldn't even follow my own rules. This past Friday was one of the worst days I've had since I've been in Santa Barbara. I was in one of my friends rooms and I decided to be funny and take something of his, so I took his comforter off his bed. 
As I grab the blanket I decide to run out the door. Now may I remind you I didn't have shoes on I had socks on. I was on the second floor and the balconies are really slippery with socks. As I bolt out the door he starts chasing me with socks on too. As I look straight, thinking I'm Usain Bolt, I see a fire extinguisher on the corner right before you turn. It was one of those Fire extinguishers with a glass case around it. As I'm running as fast as I can I think I'm slowed down enough to turn the corner safe and I thought wrong. I turn the corner losing my grip on my feet and slide into the glass case shattering the glass along with me on the ground laughing. As I look up everyone one was poking their heads out their door and laughing. My adrenaline was so high I walk it off and walk back into the room where I came from. I wasn't in pain or anything I was just embarrassed more than anything. I was moving my left arm unnoticed my hand was wet and I looked down and my whole arm was covered in blood so I rushed down stairs to the lobby and the front desk had to call the paramedics. Now at this point I'm freaking out a little bit because I don't like doctors and I had a big gash in my left forearm and everyone was telling me that I was going to need stitches. I also have a fear of needles, I HATE NEEDLES! So they offer me a ride in the ambulance to the hospital and I said no because like I said in my last post it cost around $3,000 for a ride. I searched around and found someone who could drive me to the hospital. When I arrived I got checked in, got my blood pressure ,and a wristband. I was fine I wasn't worried because I personally thought it wasn't that bad. I get called back into the ER and the doctor examines my arm and says I need stitches . As soon as she said that I started crying.

 I was so scared to get a needle in my arm that I started having a panic attack . I called my mom and she said I had to do it. But since I was 18 I had the choice to refuse service so I was on the fence but I knew deep down I needed to get it. It took me 30 min to convince myself to get them . An hour of screams and tears later it was finally over and I could relax and all the needles were over and I could go home. As the nurse brings my discharge papers I had a big smile on my face and then she says “ I also have your tetanus shot for you” my smile went from ear to ear to back to tears. I was so mad but had to get it done. I have never been so happy in my life when I got to walk out those doors after 2 hours of being there

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