Thursday, September 14, 2017

Nurses Office

The nurses office is a place to go when you're not feeling well or you want to ask health questions. You would think a place like that would be safe, right? Well one of my closest friends had a UTI and she went to the nurses office thinking she can grab some medication real quick and get out. But it was the complete opposite of that. She told me it was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to her. When she came home she was telling us what happened and she mentioned that it was a complete violation of patient confidentiality and respect. The nurse just sent her off and said there is nothing we can do. She told me her condition got even worse. I've also had a few other friends tell me that their trip to the nurse wasn't the best. It was the same disrespect level and again just sent them off with nothing.
Image result for emergency roomIf you have a medical concern or have a question I would suggest having a primary care doctor already set-up. You can also look for doctors around your area so you have a back up plan. While we are on the topic of doctors, I have a tip for situations that could save you $3,000. If there is a serious situation and you feel the need to go to the emergency room and its walking distance, I would suggest walking. It's not worth calling the ambulance if you absolutely don't need it. If it's life threatening then yes, be smart and call 911. Also, if you have a friend that can drive you or someone you know who has a car, you should ask them to take you or your friend to the ER. You should always be careful and safe and know where the nearest doctor is located in your area.

Doctors in Santa Barbara:

Emergency Rooms:

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